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Nature Days


FALL 2023*

Sept. 2: National Hummingbird Day
Sept. 4: National Wildlife Day
Sept. 16: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Sept. 16: International Coastal Cleanup Day
Sept. 17: International Microorganism Day
Sept. 23: Autumnal Equinox @ 2:50 a.m. EDT
Sept. 23: National Public Lands Day
Sept. 24: World Rivers Day
Sept. 26: World Environmental Health Day
Oct. 4: World Animal Day
Oct. 11: National Fossil Day
Oct. 14: World Migratory Bird Day
Nov. 15: America Recycles Day

*All dates and times are Eastern Time Zone of the United States.


SUMMER 2023*

June 1-7: International Nature Journaling Week
June 5: World Environment Day
June 8: World Oceans Day
June 15: Nature Photography Day
June 19-23: National Pollinator Week
June 21: Summer Solstice @ 10:57 a.m.
June 22: World Rainforest Day
July 12: National Simplicity Day
July 26: International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem
July 28: World Nature Conservation Day
July 29: International Tiger Day
August 12: World Elephant Day
August 19: International Orangutan Day

*All dates and times are Eastern Time Zone of the United States.

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